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Master Plans


Many of our residential clients begin with master plans. These documents provide a comprehensive design for a given property which considers opportunities and constraints as well as the homeowner’s “wish lists.”  They deal with issues such as screening for privacy, vehicular circulation, pedestrian circulation, slopes, views, architectural relationships, and personal lifestyles. Each is completely tailored to the homeowners, their property, and their goals.

Residential master plans typically require several months from start to finish. They are design documents and lack the detail required for construction. Through a process of meetings, sketches, reviews, and site visits, The Penland Studio provides a color rendered plan and scaled black-and-white drawings depicting the final design. Homeowners are able to use these plans to phase implementation over time and avoid costly mistakes associated with “re-doing until it’s right.” Most importantly, the homeowner receives a plan which is personalized to reflect their goals and the aesthetic for their property.