Home 9 News ( Page 2 )


Knoxville Station Transit Center Receives Award

The Penland Studio is pleased to announce  that the John J. Duncan, Jr Knoxville Station Transit Center received a 2011 Excellence Award from the MPC in the category of New Development. As part of the Design Team, our responsibilities included design of the...

Landscape Master Plans

Many of our projects at The Penland Studio - Landscape Architecture begin with Landscape Master Plans. So, what is a Master Plan and why are they needed? To begin, one must understand the role of the Landscape Architect. Everyone understands that we design with...

Landscape Architecture Awareness

The Penland Studio - Landscape Architecture is excited about about participating in the American Society of Landscape Architect's (ASLA) upcoming Landscape Architecture Awareness Campaign. ASLA's campaign is an effort to introduce the public to the profession and...

Welcome to The Penland Studio

Well, after months of work by many, we are finally ready to take our website LIVE! I would like to thank everyone involved.  Thanks to Debbie at Chilla Computer and Internet Services for putting all of the pieces together and for your patience.  Thanks to Denise at...